Thursday 15 October 2015

Building Construction and Design II

            Building Construction and Design

An Introduction the Field Of Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest and one of the most versatile branches of engineering. Every structure that we see around today is a creation of civil engineering. Learn more about this fascinating discipline.

Basic Methods of Waste Management

After the industrial revolution, waste management became an important and necessary function. Learn some of the main methods used in managing waste products today.

Causes and of Rust Protection Through Galvanization

Rust is a process that occurs when oxygen and moisture contact exposed metal. With the settlement of moisture in dents, and with an increase in the contact period, rust is formed. Rusting is intensified with high temperatures and increased humidity, and leads to a deterioration in the metal.

Green Rooftops for Energy Efficiency

The LEED system for energy efficient building construction, maintenance, and operation has led to renewed interest in roof gardens and greenery. Several important considerations should be examined for retrofit and new construction of such systems.

Architecture in Civil Engineering

Civil engineers and architects complement each other’s' work. An architect takes care of the design and shape of a building whereas a civil engineer takes care of the technical nitty-gritty like the strength of the building. Architecture is art; civil engineering is more about physics

Test for Civil Engineering Skills

Just like any other science, Civil Engineering, too, is evolving. Concrete is no longer coarse and made of fineaggregates only. Similarly engineering materials are not restricted to cement and steel. Challenge yourself with this short quiz and find out how much you know about Civil Engineering.

Engineering for Muncipal Services

How many times have you said, "I love that city. It is so clean and well organized." How many times have you been impressed by how cities like London and Venice are able to handle their municipal services so effectively? You can thank the municipal engineers who play the major role behind this.

Waste Incineration as an Alternative to More Landfills

There are several types of waste incineration plants. The most common type is municipal solid waste (MSW) with the heat providing energy from waste. This is becoming more necessary in many countries throughout the world as we all run out of land-fill sites for our household rubbish.

Highway Construction and Engineering

Highway construction and engineering includes planning, designing, and building of highways. History stands witness that good roads lead to prosperity for distant societies. If a road is well planned and then executed according to the plan, a highway can open the gates of growth and development.

A Non-stop Method for Building Concrete Structures

The slipform technique of construction allows for the continuous pouring of concrete into walls of a structure and only stops when the full required height of the structure has been reached.

CAD Packages for Architectural Landscape Design

The objective of this architect CAD software review is to provide insight about a few good architectural CAD packages out of the hugely crowded civil CAD market.

What is a Lacquer Based Paint?

  • Lacquer is a colored coating that is frequently used to produce a shiny wood appearance. Lacquer types are nitrocellulose, and less often cellulose, which is expensive and produces an appearance that is not very attractive. Lacquer will be durable if suitable measures are implemented.
  • Safety Standards for Construction Equipment
  • Though construction sites are a great place to work, construction workers face several hazards during their day-to-day work like equipment danger and accidents. In this post, you will learn more about the hazards and dangers ofconstruction equipment when safety standards are not followed.

  • Crane accidents can be caused by mechanical failures or human failures in the operations of the cranes. Even the mechanical failures can be a result of improper supervision or maintenance and all point to lack of training and required attention to crane operations by field managers.
  • Construction Ambassador Definition for Engineers
  • Construction Ambassadors, as the name suggests, are individuals with a passion for the field of construction. They can have many varied responsibilities, which can make it difficult to define exactly what they really do and to describe their job role precisely.

All materials, including concrete expand or contract with the increase or decrease in temperatures. If suitable arrangements are not ensured for the expansion and contraction of concrete due to the temperature changes, cracks may occur.
  • Engineered and Natural Floor Coverings

  • Various techniques are available for creating flooring using wood and wood-like materials. This article will help you to understand the difference in wood flooring vs engineered wood vs wood.
  • Environmentally Safe Blasting & Cleaning
  • Surface cleaning by dry ice blasting is a very effective method with practically no clean-up required. Equally adaptableto sensitive and rugged surfaces, this is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly method. Read on to learn more about the process, its advantages and applications.
  • Preventing Carpenter Bee Structural Damage
It takes quite a while for carpenter bees to actually cause structural damage to a building but if the extent of their damage does get to the structural level the cost to repair it could be substantial. If you catch them early though, the problem is easily remedied.

  • Human and Building Synergy
  • An analysis of the values of architecture and modern life, and some of the revolutionary changes beginning to take hold - the role of the building in modern life is rapidly changing as designers look to using buildings to create a synergy-effect to maximize productivity and well-being.
  • Certification of Construction Skills
  • The construction industry is booming- growing exponentially all across the world. Different countries have differentconstruction skills certification schemes that conduct certification courses and registration tests to certify and grade engineers based on different criteria.
  • Construction Underground: Being a Mushroom
  • Greater utilization of underground construction is growing in popularity as a strategy to increase available commercial and infrastructure space. A few noteworthy site preparation activities and guidelines are summarized and described for tunnels, utilities, and related projects.
  • Safety in Buiding Construction
  • Accidents may happen during the course of construction of a building. The reasons for accidents seem to have more in common than different.
  • Staircase Design Principles
  • A staircase is an integral part of a building. It is a series of steps arranged in an order so that people can go from one floor of a building to another . The stair should be as per standard design principles and constructed in a such a manner that people can negotiate the steps with ease.
  • Building Better for Solar Heating and Cooling
  • As a source of constant solar radiation, the sun can be a warming presence, a source of energy, or an annoying heater depending on the albedo of materials and type of construction used.
  • The Four Phases Of Emergency Management
  • Emergency management is an important subject that deals with human life and property. Damages caused by disasters are less harmful if a comprehensive emergency management plan is in place.
  • Beam Load Calculations Explained
  • In the field of construction, beam load calculations can become truly critical and require special attention as well as accurate implementation of the results. A simple yet effective way of calculating beam loads is discussed here through derived formulas and expressions.
  • Low Cost Housing Construction in Earthquake Zones
  • Earthquakes present one of civil engineering’s most complex challenges. They typically strike without forewarning and impact every aspect of a civilization’s infrastructure. Are earthquake resistant construction techniques a viable option for low income population 

The possibility of formwork reuse is determined by the type of formwork and the nature of construction. Reusing concrete formwork can reduce construction costs significantly if proper planning and handling is applied.

  • Huge structures like bridges, locomotives, ships, etc. inevitably require joints in order to plan out an inner firm, enduring “skeleton.” Riveted joints play an important part in forming these joints, and are used extensively for the purpose. Here we discuss the major types of rivet joints.
  • Hydraulic Cement
  • Hydraulic cement contains several ingredients that are not present in the ordinary Portland cement. These compounds are added to facilitate hardening of the cement that ensures effective repair of leaks. Use of hydraulic cement to prevent leaks developed due to a wet environment has been successful.

  • Dealing with Asbestos Abatement
  • The health risks involved in asbestos has led to its being removed and replaced. There are persons and organizations specialized in asbestos abatement procedures. Even this asbestos abatement exposure does lead to health risks and requires companies to follow EPA guidelines.

  • Training in any area of the construction industry requires a high-level of hands-on training and technical skills. The work completed inside programs provided by construction training providers covers professional work in depth to prepare students to enter careers in as little as six months.
  • History of Civil Engineering
  • The history of civil engineering can be traced back to 4000 BC when the sole means of construction was human labor, lacking any sophisticated equipment. With advancement in all spheres of technology, civil engineering has also developed tremendously.
  • Acoustics and Noise Control of Buildings
  • Noise is unwanted sound. When noise exceeds the permissible level, it causes various problems for the listeners. Therefore, in the design and construction of buildings, this has to be taken into consideration, especially in case of public utility buildings.

  • Any construction site work requires the proper deployment of qualified people in different trades and engineers to oversee their work. Opportunities in construction depend on the state of the economy, which largely governs construction activities.
  • The Work of a Construction Project Engineer
  • A construction project engineer helps to plan the work and its execution on a daily basis so that the overall objectives are met. He will use his engineering knowledge to interpret the drawings, specifications, and contract documents to those concerned that works are completed in time.
  • Resolving Disputes over Construction Projects
  • Projects involve many technical, commercial and financial matters. The addition of a lot of people to already complex issues is a ready pot for disputes to arise due to ambiguities and ego clashes. Dispute resolution strategies for construction project become a must for completion of projects.
  • Causes and Control of Wood Rot
  • Wood rot is the common name used to indicate damage in wood due to fungal colonies that settle down on the wood; this in turn grows into the substrate to absorb the moisture and nutrients in the wood. In this post, we will discuss the causes and control of wood rot in detail.

  • Measuring a Roof
  • Wondering how to measure your roof to estimate required material for roof replacement? Here the process of measurement of the roof is described through easy steps.
  • Effective Ventilation of Buildings
  • For generating a comfortable and healthy living condition inside a building, proper ventilation is very necessary. This can be natural, mechanical, or a combination of both. Designing and implementing a ventilation system is the province of mechanical, design, and HVAC engineers.
  • Building the Brooklyn Bridge
  • It was stated to in 1867 that the building of the Brooklyn Bridge would create not only the greatest bridge at that time, but also the greatest example of engineering of that age on the continent! For the tourists of today, a stroll down under theBrooklyn Bridge to a restaurant is on their agenda.
  • Do I need Enzymes or Bacteria for my Septic Tank?
  • A septic tank is an enclosed container manufactured from concrete, fiberglass or plastic and is buried in the yard. Sewage and grey water from the house flow through sewer pipes into the tank where bacteria break down raw sewage into sludge and water, the water outflowing into a gravel soakaway.
  • Notes on Conceptual Architecture
  • Conceptual architecture explores different senses and material to bring new ideas to a building, constructing something entirely new apart from traditional construction and design.
  • Multi-Beam Bridge Construction
  • Multi-beam bridges are a very common form of construction for roads and other bridges that are required to span across distances less than one hundred meters. The beams are connected by an horizontal element that allows transport of men, materials, and vehicles.
  • What are Urban Heat Islands?
  • Heat islands are parts of the urban landscape where there is a steep temperature variation between that area and cooler surrounding areas. There can be a temperature variation as much as ten degrees.

  • How are Roads Built Over Swamps?

  • Construction of roads over swamps require special attention. Either the soil has to be removed or otherwise,it has to be strengthened by suitable means after ascertaining the properties of the soil.
  • What are Reactive Roofs?
  • The article will discuss the concepts of cool roofs, green roofs, energy efficient roofs, and temperature reactive color roofs. Want to learn more about how roof coatings and materials can save energy? Read this article!
Ceramic Thermal Coatings vs Paint for Houses

Ceramic spheres of microscopic sizes are a part of thermal insulation paint. These spheres are hollow and thus lessconductive, leading to heat insulation. The paints are also lighter and have many other additional properties which give it an advantage over other paints.

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